Wow.. I havent written in this blog for a while. I guess it's cause I lost
the password haha x)
Ever since the New Year, I've been mostly partying every we...
When I am myself
So while I am on my hiatus from uhh.. myself I guess I may as well post
some things up. This is the kind of thing that I do when I am not doing
myself with...
you will never know how strong my love is. it's beyond any human-panda relationship in this world.
Panda-san was gonna follow us home.... but u stopped him.. Poor Panda-san..
we got a call from panda-san earlier. he wants out in your room sunao. he couldnt endure the pain and suffering anymore
wow tooooooooo cute!!!
I love Panda... and just bought a Morn Creations Panda Bag here:
Nice to meet you.
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